by HurqalyaMethod | Oct 22, 2017
In Level Two I energetically “got” how often I lived like a timid rabbit – afraid to step out and live my destiny. It was embarrassing how often people would meet me and never remember me the next time we met. With this energetic shift I have stepped into a sense of...
by HurqalyaMethod | Oct 22, 2017
This … experience includes my body, mind, heart and soul. [It] started out yesterday as my head opening up to the sky and experiencing all the stars and planets as a reflection of my own brain when I was outside at night. Now just standing outside and experiencing...
by HurqalyaMethod | Sep 26, 2017
“It’s remarkable how often headaches disappear within 10 or 15 minutes of starting the Hurqalya Method™. The Heart energy is just amazing.”
by HurqalyaMethod | Sep 26, 2017
“I was doing Level Three of the Hurqalya Method™ when suddenly a jolt of energy passed through me. I said to my client ‘You’ve just received a great blessing.’ She replied ‘Yes, I know. I feel like someone dipped a paint brush into Pure...
by HurqalyaMethod | Sep 26, 2017
“I have a client with congenital birth defects. She has never been able to walk. Even while sitting she could not put both feet on the floor. After 35 sessions, she can now walk with crutches for the first time in her life. I was hoping simply for more...